Reading Log

Tuesday 13 Oct
today i read a book called the dark wild i read a only 2 pages because i did not have time.It talked about a boy saving creatures the first page it talked about they enemy flying a purple helicopter towards them
and they were under a apple tree in his dads garden a no one has been in the garden for 6 years so every thing is overgrown and tangled and when there was no where to run when their enemy came a girl holding a large toad apeard  her name was Polly it was the boy best friend the boy had other friends a great stag a wolf cub and a mouse. That was all i read for the day.

1 comment:

  1. I read this dragon night book and i like it very much and its about a boy that it a half dragon and human
    and he want to go to a place to learn how to fight with swords but on the way he meats three big bullies
    and trying to bock the way to go to the swords teaching place but he still got thew.
